Nick Hart
Something you are passionate about?
I am passionate about adding value to the next generation through honest story telling and analog fun!
Why are you on the board?
I am on the board because I think that God has a sense of humor and knows that I would not do well in a cubicle 5 days a week. Also, FLOW has been a dream & a vision for a long time and it is coming to fruition through God’s faithfulness and the community’s generosity.
Random facts...
I am 36, a husband to one, father of four and still learning new bmx tricks thanks to Advil and YouTube.
Kim Clary
Something you are passionate about?
Connecting groms with their purpose.
Why are you on the board?
I see Flow Loves You as the completion of the vision of The Core non-profit organization. The Core tilled the soil a little and planted some seeds and now SC is ripe for the harvest that Jesus will bring through Flow.
Random fact...
I skiied 24 days this season and one of them was on my birthday in early June.
Nathan York
Something you are passionate about?
People knowing their true worth and identity.
Why are you on the board?
Kids need a safe space to learn and play and this is part of the mission of Flow Loves You. More importantly, however, in a world where humans are often thought of as nothing more than "a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet" kids desperately need hope, purpose, and significance. They need to know that they exist for a reason and that their value lies not in what they can produce or accomplish. They need to know that they, and everyone, are valued first and foremost because we are all bearers of God's image, his children. So loved that he became human to redeem us. Flow Loves You is more than just and after school program, it's a venue where kids can experience this vital truth.
Random fact...
I love mountain biking.
bud kennedy
Something you are passionate about?
The place that I live and being able to show groms the love of Jesus and that adults are there to support them and guide them through the hardest years in their life. Plus, without a doubt Hawaii.
Why are you on the board?
I'm here because I want to be a part of something that I believe is bigger than what I can imagine. I strongly believe that we are going to touch lives, whether or not it's 10 or 10,000.
Random fact...
I swam with dolphins in Hanalei Bay Kauai. In the actual ocean not at some dolphin experience thing.
kevin moon
Something you are you passionate about?
I'm a homebody at heart, I love spending time at home with my family and friends. This is a bit ironic do to the very nature of my job has me traveling all over the country. I try to be present and grateful every moment I'm with them.
I enjoy mountain biking and all sports that are in the water.
Why are you on the board?
I am excited to be on the FLOW Team because of its unique nature, providing an awesome experience for the youth in are county.
Growing up I was deeply influenced and impacted by my local youth groups and there leaders. I feel it is such a crucial time in a kids life, and FLOW offers the love, support and acceptance the kids long for in life.
Random facts...
I was born and raised in Santa Cruz and my family goes back 5 generations in this town.
I was in the movie " The Lost Boys" as an extra.
Join the Team!
There are plenty ways you can partner with FLOW to help add value to youth in our community. We want to hear your ideas! Everybody has something to offer, whether you're looking to give your time, money, services, or even help spread the word! Let us know how you'd like to get involved.